(*St. Olaf undergraduate student coauthor)
*Mottram, J., Gothmann, A.M., Prokopenko, M., *Raser, R., Rollinson, V., Cordova, A., Granger, J. (in prep) Refining the use of cold-water corals as a proxy for marine nitrogen cycling: comparison of the δ 15N of diet, tissue, and skeletons of Balanophyllia elegans.
Gothmann, A.M., Gagnon, A.C. (2021) Insight into cold-water coral biomineralization from culture experiments with decoupled carbonate chemistry parameters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 315, 38-60.
Gagnon, A.C., Gothmann, A.M., Branson, O., Rae, J.W.B., Stewart, J.A. (2021) The cost of resilience to ocean acidification in cold-water coral revealed by boron isotopes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554, 116662.
*Patterson, E., *Eanes, S., *Lancrete, P., Gothmann, A.M., Roback, P. (2021) Factors Controlling Coral Skeletal U/Ca Ratios with Implications for their Use as a Proxy for Past Ocean Conditions. AJUR, https://doi.org/10.33697/ajur.2020.031.
Stolarski, J., Coronado, I. Janiszewska, K., Murphy, J.G., Higgins, J.A., Kitahara, M.V., Ouatrinni, A.M., Gothmann, A.M., Mazur, M., Meibom, A. (2021) A modern scleractinian coral with a two-component calcite-aragonite skeleton, PNAS, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2013316117.
Gothmann, A.M., Higgins, J.A., Adkins, J.F., Broecker, W., Farley, K.A., McKeon, R., Planavsky, N., Wang, X., Stolarski, J., Bender, M.L. (2019). A Cenozoic Record of Seawater Uranium in Fossil Corals, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 250, 173-190.
Gothmann, A.M., Higgins, J.A., Adkins, J.F., Stolarski, J. (2017) A Cenozoic record of Mg isotopes from fossil corals, Geology 45, 1039-1042.
Frankowiak, K., Wang, X.T., Sigman, D.M., Gothmann, A.M., Kitahara, M.V., Mazur, M., Meibom, A., Stolarski, J., (2016) Photosymbiosis and the expansion of shallow-water corals, Science Advances, 2, e1601122.
Stolarski, J. Bosellini, F.R., Wallace, C.C., Gothmann, A.M., Mazur, M., Domart-Coulon, I., Gutner- Hoch, E., Neuser, R.D., Levy, O., Shemesh, A., Meibom, A. (2016) A unique coral biomineralization pattern has resisted 40 million years of major ocean chemistry change, Scientific Reports, 6, 27579.
Gothmann, A.M., Higgins, J.A., Swart, P.K., Giri, S.J., Adkins, J.F., Stolarski, J., Blättler, C.L., Bender, M.L. (2016) Calcium isotopes in fossil corals: implications for coral vital effects and biomineralization through time, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 444, 205-214.
Gothmann, A.M., Stolarski, J., Adkins, J.F., Schoene, B., Dennis, K.J., Schrag, D.P., Mazur, M., Bender, M.L. (2015) Fossil corals as an archive of past variations in seawater chemistry since the Mesozoic, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 160, 188-208.
Frankowiak, K., Mazur, M., Gothmann, A.M., Stolarski, J. (2013) Diagenetic alteration of the Triassic coral from the aragonite-konservat-lagerstätte in Alakir Çay, Turkey: Implications for geochemical measurements, Palaios, 28, 333-342.